16 Jan 2015

Treat yellow teeth with these easy home remedies


Treat yellow teeth with these easy home remedies

Over time, teeth tend to get yellow. There could be various reasons for this -genes, unhealthy dental hygiene or eating habits or ageing.

Certain medications and dental problems could also be attributed for teeth discolouration. While a trip to the dentist twice a year is recommended, there are also some home remedies that help...

Do the soda

An effective whitening agent is baking soda. Not only will it lighten the colour of your teeth but also remove accumulated plaque. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with some toothpaste and brush your teeth with it twice a week. Alternatively , you can also mix a few drops of water with half a teaspoon of bak ing soda and brush your teeth with your fingertips.

Lime n lemoney

Lemons contain bleaching agents, which work well against yellow teeth.You could either use lemon peel extracts to rub on your teeth or simply rinse your mouth with lemon juice mixed with some water.

Apple a day

Some experts also recommend apples to whiten teeth naturally . Chew an apple a day to let the acidic properties of apples work wonders on your teeth.

Berry good

While strawberries aren't in season currently , when they are, you can use them as an effective tooth whitening aid as well. Crush a handful of strawberries and make them into a smooth paste.Rub this paste on your teeth every alternate night.WHITE SALT Notice all those advertisements, which ask whether your toothpaste contains salt? There's a reason behind that. Salt helps clean teeth and also whitens them. Gently rub common salt on your teeth daily to reduce discolouration.

Tulsi talk

Tulsi leaves are also said to be effective against yellow teeth.Grind the leaves into a paste and use it to brush your teeth.

All for orange

Orange peels contain calcium and vitamin C, which fight bacteria in the mouth. They also remove discolouration in the teeth. Scrub your teeth with orange peel thrice a week.

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/beauty/Treat-yellow-teeth-with-these-easy-home-remedies/articleshow/45896777.cms

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from Affinity Dental Fresno http://affinitydental.livejournal.com/34463.html

8 Jan 2015

Do you need to see a dentist twice a year?


Dental professionals have long recommended a teeth cleaning every six months. One expert, Edmond R. Hewlett, a professor of dentistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, explains why a few people can get by with less frequent visits to the dentist, while others should consider going even more often.

The biannual dental visit was designed with the “average” person in mind, Dr. Hewlett says. That means people who are middle-aged, don’t smoke and who brush their teeth twice a day and don’t eat too many sweets. Within six months, the majority of people will produce enough tartar that it will need to be scraped off by a dental hygienist.

Some people may be fine going for longer periods between cleaning. But it’s a category of patient that might seem difficult to qualify for. Typically, these people are in their 20s and 30s who are otherwise healthy, eat extremely well and floss daily, Dr. Hewlett says. For the rest of us, whose dietary indulgences and dental hygiene aren’t so ideal, six months seem a safer bet.

A number of factors might make it a good idea to see a dentist three or even four times a year. People whose diet is rich in sugary foods or drinks should consider more frequent checkups, Dr. Hewlett says. And people who are older, or who have dry mouth, might be more prone to the damage bacteria can cause to teeth, gums and bones.

“As we get older, we start to accumulate more health conditions from the various problems we’ve had over a lifetime, so your risk status will change and usually go up,” says Dr. Hewlett. Dry mouth, which is a common side effect of many medications, means there is less saliva, which makes it easier for bacteria to grow.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/12/30/do-need-to-see-dentist-twice-year/

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from Affinity Dental Fresno http://affinitydental.livejournal.com/34154.html

7 Jan 2015

When It Takes a Dentist’s Chair to Disconnect


I was at the dentist because I had a cracked tooth that I had long put off fixing, partly because my schedule was already brimming over, and mostly because I didn’t really want to have the procedure anyway. After months of stalling, I had finally scheduled the appointment and resolutely blocked out my calendar for the entire afternoon. I was anticipating that afternoon with dread, but I was in for a surprise.

Let me say unequivocally that the dentist’s office was the last place I wanted to be, and certainly the last place I would ever think of as a refuge. But as I reclined in the dentist’s chair, unable to do anything but lay there in a mild stupor thanks to the anesthetics and a pair of busy hands moving around my mouth, I realized with some irony that this was the closest thing I’d had to a vacation in months: no computers, no phone calls, no emails, no smartphones.

Like most parents I know, my day starts early, then careens from a hasty breakfast to packing lunches to dropping off the kids and then on to work. After work, it’s time to pick up the kids, make dinner, supervise bath time, get the kids into bed and then spend an hour or two catching up on work or other tasks that didn’t get done during the day. Before I know it, it’s 10 or 11 p.m. and time to get ready to start all over again the next morning.

I feel very fortunate to have a career and family, demanding as they can be at times. It’s just that I often feel, like many parents, that I barely have time to myself. As a psychologist, I counsel my patients on the importance of having a good self-care routine, but like them, I sometimes find it hard to follow through on this goal consistently. Life gets in the way.

So I was surprised to find an oasis of calm in a most unlikely place: the dentist’s chair.

There was nothing much to do but just be there. Multitasking was out of the question. The most I could do was listen to music or audiobooks. (I chose “Being Peace” by Thich Nhat Hanh, and cranked up the volume as far as it would go so that his soothing voice in my earphones drowned out the whine of the dentist’s drill.)

This realization that I could unplug for several hours for a dental procedure made me ask myself the obvious question: Why not set aside time for myself more often, and in more pleasant circumstances? Why did there have to be a near emergency to take the afternoon off?

To put it more bluntly: If I could lie in a dentist’s chair for several hours, why not a lounge chair?

I notice this same pattern with many of my patients. Everyone today feels busier than ever, and parents especially so. According to the results of a 2013 Pew Research survey, 40 percent of working mothers and 34 percent of working fathers said they always felt rushed, compared with 20 percent of adults without children. Clearly, we parents need a break.

But when it comes to taking time off, we seem ambivalent. Even when we have earned paid vacation time, over half of us don’t use it, and when we’re on vacation, 61 percent of us still work, according to a 2014 survey conducted by Harris Poll.

Time away from our work and other responsibilities may seem like a luxury that we can’t always afford, but consider this: A long-term study found that women who skipped vacations were 50 percent more likely to have heart attacks than women who took time off. For men, the figure was 30 percent.

We run from one thing to the next, rarely stopping to pause or catch our breath unless there is an emergency, illness or something else that simply forces us to stop or slow down. When we repeat this pattern day after day, as many of us do, we are missing out on what life has to offer. We become human doings instead of human beings.

Maintaining this fast-paced, routinized existence is why so many of us feel that, as the saying goes, the days are long but the years are short. To slow down and savor the life that we have requires that we do just that: slow down. To make time for ourselves, our families and our personal priorities beyond the everyday demands of life requires that we have a plan. We must schedule an appointment with ourselves.

Research consistently shows that to have the greatest chance of success in meeting our goals, we have to have a specific plan. If our goal is to have more personal time or more family time, then we must have a specific plan for making that happen, and part of that plan is scheduling the time. That means actually putting it in our calendar, not just thinking about it.

We all have so many demands on our time. If we wait until we have a free moment for ourselves, that moment may never come.

Source: http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/12/31/when-it-takes-a-dentists-chair-to-disconnect/

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